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Accessible Software websites

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Wisdom TMLC

website accessibility rating: fair what the website accessibility rating means

Wisdom is een IT-dienstverlener gespecialiseerd in applicatieontwikkeling en systeemintegratie op het Java/J2EE en Microsoft .Net platform. Wij hebben ruim 10 jaar ervaring met het realiseren van geavanceerde, maar toch praktische e-businessoplossingen voor zowel grote als middelgrote organisaties.

Additional notes: none

Website Reviews [beta feature]


website accessibility rating: fair what the website accessibility rating means

Das Prognose-Modul der Software pro:kons liefert Vorhersagen spezifischer zukünftiger Ereignisse durch Meinungsaggregation. Es bedient sich dabei der Simulation von virtuellen Börsen (Prognosemärkte) auf denen die Zukunftswerte von Produkten, Ereignissen, Personen, politischen Parteien oder anderen realen Gegebenheiten gehandelt werden.Der Grundgedanke basiert auf der These von Professor Hayek, einem österreichischen Nobelpreisträger der Wirtschaftswissenschaften, wonach Preise Indikatoren für verteilte Informationen sind. Dies gilt auch für virtuelle Börsen, an denen der Preis das aggregierte Wissen aller Marktteilnehmer widerspiegelt - die Prognose.

Additional notes: none

Website Reviews [beta feature]

Coverity Inc

website accessibility rating: average what the website accessibility rating means

Static source code analysis, static analysis using software quality tools to find critical software defects in system architecture & source code programming. Static source code analysis, static analysis using Software Quality tools from Coverity Inc/

Additional notes: none

Website Reviews [beta feature]

Dynamic Gaming Systems

website accessibility rating: average what the website accessibility rating means

DGS Dynamic Gaming Systems, offer you different options to develop your poker software. We combine web design with interactive software for you online poker business.

Additional notes: none

Website Reviews [beta feature]

Goodie Domain Service

website accessibility rating: average what the website accessibility rating means

Goodie Domain Service offers Open Source Software for the Austrian Educational Community.

Additional notes: none

Website Reviews [beta feature]

Mutlilingual Systems

website accessibility rating: average what the website accessibility rating means

This site presents information relating to "Computing with Indian Languages". Languages of India have fascinated scholars all over the world and there is an increasing demand for disseminating information about them and their scripts, through the medium of the Internet.

Additional notes: none

Website Reviews [beta feature]

Official Desktop

website accessibility rating: average what the website accessibility rating means

Real estate software integrating transaction, lead, contract, contact, listing, settlement, website & business management tools online for professional top producer realtor agents & broker. OFFICIAL DESKTOP real estate office mangement software

Additional notes: none

Website Reviews [beta feature]

The GNU-Darwin Distribution

website accessibility rating: average what the website accessibility rating means

A collection of Darwin X11 BSD software: Geek Technology

Additional notes: none

Website Reviews [beta feature]

The FreeBSD Project

website accessibility rating: average what the website accessibility rating means

FreeBSD offers advanced networking, performance, security and compatibility features today which are still missing in other operating systems, even some of the best commercial ones.

Additional notes: none

Website Reviews [beta feature]


website accessibility rating: average what the website accessibility rating means

speed reading reading, mnemonic and eidetic

Additional notes: none

Website Reviews [beta feature]

Pages: 1 [2] 3

what the accessibility rating means.