promoting accessible websites
accessible charity websites based in the United Kingdom
Other sub-directories in this section:
If a directory has a '@' symbol after it, then there are further directories within it.
website accessibility rating: good
The ICT Hub Knowledgebase is designed to help community and voluntary sector organisations access the benefits of information technology. The knowledgebase is a comprehensive source of independent ICT information and advice.
Additional notes: none
Website Reviews [beta feature]
website accessibility rating: good
The aim of the Society is to encourage people who are blind and partially sighted to be as independent as possible.
Additional notes: none
Website Reviews [beta feature]
website accessibility rating: good
Welcome to Jubilee Debt Campaign, demanding an end to the scandal of poor countries paying money to the rich world. We are calling for 100% cancellation of unpayable and unfair poor country debts.
Additional notes: none
Website Reviews [beta feature]
website accessibility rating: good
National Phobics Society was formed by a sufferer of agoraphobia for those affected by anxiety disorders. Today we are still a volunteer-led organisation, run by sufferers and ex-sufferers of anxiety disorders /
Additional notes: none
Website Reviews [beta feature]
website accessibility rating: good
round up of news and events for social justice campaigns in greater manchester. that's environment, development, peace, human rights, disability, animal rights, gender, and much, much more!
Additional notes: none
Website Reviews [beta feature]
website accessibility rating: good
Refugees in Effective and Active Partnership (REAP) empower refugee communities and publish a directory of refugee organisations in West London.
Additional notes: none
Website Reviews [beta feature]
website accessibility rating: good
Soroptimist International is a leading organisation for women...
Additional notes: none
Website Reviews [beta feature]
website accessibility rating: good
The Social Care Institute for Excellence's purpose is to collect and synthesise up-to-date knowledge about what works in social care, and to make that knowledge available and accessible to people working in and using social services.
Additional notes: Browsealoud enabled
Website Reviews [beta feature]
website accessibility rating: good
The Steel Can Recycling Information Bureau provides information... on steel packaging recycling to the general public, local authorities and the commercial sector. It is a valuable education resource for teachers, parents and education officers, with downloadable class room activities which can also be done in the home.
Additional notes: none
Website Reviews [beta feature]
website accessibility rating: good
Information and services for older people.
Additional notes: none
Website Reviews [beta feature]