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Accessible awaiting assessment websites

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If a directory has a '@' symbol after it, then there are further directories within it. Speech Recognition Solutions for Medical, Legal, Corporate, Assistive, Educational & Government Organizations

website accessibility rating: awaiting assessment what the website accessibility rating means

Voice Recognition super store offering the finest in speech recognition including Dragon NaturallySpeaking, Olympus and SONY digital recorders, and The Eloquent Physician.

Additional notes: none

Website Reviews [beta feature]

Voice-Users Mailing List

website accessibility rating: awaiting assessment what the website accessibility rating means

Voice-Users mailing list is the most active mailing list on the subject of the use of voice recognition. It covers software and hardware issues. If offers hints and tips, and solves many of the most common problems voice users face.

Additional notes: none

Website Reviews [beta feature]

Pages: 1 2 3 4 [5]

what the accessibility rating means.